What a wonderful delight it has been this term to see the smiling faces and hear the laughter of our students as they returned to learning onsite. After a somewhat bumpy, staged start to returning to school, I am thrilled to say that all of our students quickly settled into engaging with their learning in the classroom and enjoying time with friends during recess and lunchtime in the play areas and grounds at each campus. Our senior students jumped straight into preparing themselves for end of year exams or finalising their VCAL tasks with incredible commitment and support for their peers in getting everyone to the finishing line. The behaviour of our Year 11 and 12 students throughout this term has been a wonderful display of our positive behaviours for learning; self-advocating for what they needed to be successful, focusing their mindset on what they needed to complete and connecting to their friends, teachers and interpreters as their support team. All the key ingredients needed for success.
Our prep to Year 10 students have been equally busy but also enjoying some of the extra-curricular activities that they missed over the year when we were unable to come together on site. Camps, excursions, transition visits and many friendship and wellbeing activities have started back up, allowing for learning and connection experiences that don't happen in front of a computer.
Hearing Australia has recommenced visits to our campuses, however, PSG meetings will remain online for term 4. We hope all students really use this last term at school to learn, explore and connect with others as much as they can. This might mean getting back into good habits that haven’t been practiced in a while such as bringing in their Roger devices and using them in the classroom, putting their hand up and asking questions when they need clarification and asking friends to repeat what was said when it is noisy. Whilst it might feel a bit awkward at first, it won’t be long before it becomes a normal part of the school day.
Ms Amanda Purcell
St Mary's College School Advisory Council 2022
The St Mary's College School Advisory Council meets approximately 7 times per year online via ZOOM to share their wisdom and insight and assist the prinicpal and College in achieving its vision for education.
The School Advisory Council plays an important role in supporting the work of the Principal by:
- Articulating and enacting the School’s vision and mission
- Promoting the school’s Catholic ethos and culture
- Promoting faith formation and development
- Giving advice to the principal on issues such as enrolments, school improvement plans and enrolment trends
- Engaging in discussion with the principal about the annual school budget and other financial matters
- Giving advice to the principal about the school Master Plan
- Capital resource planning and maintenance support to the principal
We warmly invite expressions of interest in joining us in 2022. Parents/guardians from any of our campuses are particuarly encouraged to join us.
For more information contact the Administration Office on 9800 2733.