St Mary's College Newsletter

Welcome students, family and friends of St Mary's College to our October/November newsletter.

What a wonderful delight it has been this term to see the smiling faces and hear the laughter of our students as they returned to learning onsite. After a somewhat bumpy, staged start to returning to school, I am thrilled to say that all of our students quickly settled into engaging with their learning in the classroom and enjoying time with friends during recess and lunchtime in the play areas and grounds at each campus. Our senior students jumped straight into preparing themselves for end of year exams or finalising their VCAL tasks with incredible commitment and support for their peers in getting everyone to the finishing line. The behaviour of our Year 11 and 12 students throughout this term has been a wonderful display of our positive behaviours for learning; self-advocating for what they needed to be successful, focusing their mindset on what they needed to complete and connecting to their friends, teachers and interpreters as their support team. All the key ingredients needed for success.

Our prep to Year 10 students have been equally busy but also enjoying some of the extra-curricular activities that they missed over the year when we were unable to come together on site. Camps, excursions, transition visits and many friendship and wellbeing activities have started back up, allowing for learning and connection experiences that don't happen in front of a computer.

Hearing Australia has recommenced visits to our campuses, however, PSG meetings will remain online for term 4. We hope all students really use this last term at school to learn, explore and connect with others as much as they can. This might mean getting back into good habits that haven’t been practiced in a while such as bringing in their Roger devices and using them in the classroom, putting their hand up and asking questions when they need clarification and asking friends to repeat what was said when it is noisy. Whilst it might feel a bit awkward at first, it won’t be long before it becomes a normal part of the school day.

Ms Amanda Purcell

St Mary's College School Advisory Council 2022

The St Mary's College School Advisory Council meets approximately 7 times per year online via ZOOM to share their wisdom and insight and assist the prinicpal and College in achieving its vision for education.

The School Advisory Council plays an important role in supporting the work of the Principal by:

  • Articulating and enacting the School’s vision and mission
  • Promoting the school’s Catholic ethos and culture
  • Promoting faith formation and development
  • Giving advice to the principal on issues such as enrolments, school improvement plans and enrolment trends
  • Engaging in discussion with the principal about the annual school budget and other financial matters
  • Giving advice to the principal about the school Master Plan
  • Capital resource planning and maintenance support to the principal

We warmly invite expressions of interest in joining us in 2022. Parents/guardians from any of our campuses are particuarly encouraged to join us.

For more information contact the Administration Office on 9800 2733.

Dandenong Campus November 2021

VCAL onsite

In the closing two weeks of VCAL, the students have been competing a number of certificates and courses. They have included Food Handling, RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) and a Barista course. These will be a great addition to their employability skills.

Year 7 creative activities

Whilst at home during homelearning Thomas has made lego creations.

Returning after Lockdown

The Dandenong students were very happy to return to school and reconnect with all their friends and teachers.

Ringwood Campus November 2021

Artistic Skills

Ryan was busy drawing his favourite cartoon characters over the school holidays. Ryan used his knowledge of the techniques he has learnt in his art classes this year to draw these characters. He was able to share these fantastic drawings to Miss Liatsos on the first day of Term 4.

The Year 9’s are completing a unit of work on identity. Using words that are important to who they are, each created a beautiful piece of art.

Ringwood students return

Students were ready to return and begin their studies for the up coming exams.

Sunbury Campus November 2021

Year 12's last day

Our Year 12's, Tess and Amber enjoyed walking down memory lane on their last day of classes.

Fundraising walkathon

Senior VCAL students completed a fundraising walkathon this term. They sought sponsorship from friends and family to walk 50kms within a week. Collectively $351 was raised by the class for Homie Melbourne. What a great way to get fit and give something back to the community - well done Tess!

Our Year 12 Creative Arts student Amber has finished her final pieces for VCE. Amber's first piece, "Together", is a series of 3 handbuilt box frames which contains images of two friends, symbolised by the sun and the moon. She incorporated her origami symbols into the work to represent the true power of friendship. Her second piece, "If you're going, I'm going" is carved board, paint and orgami. It is a companion piece to the silhouette/shadowbox series.

Year 9 Retreat program

The Retreat program at Sunbury offers an amazing 9 week platform which allows students to step out of their comfort zone and learn new skills. Well done to Jordan who is learning to ride a bike as part of her retreat experience.

South Morang Campus November 2021

Year 12 last day

What a spectacular day Rocky had for his final day of Year 12 classes. The students shared a covid safe picnic as part of the celebrations.

Community service

Mahika, one of our Year 4 students, has been collecting and delivering food for families in need in her area. It's great to see that sense of community spirit and giving back alive in one so young.

Wantirna South Campus November 2021

Returning back to onsite learning

It is wonderful to see our students back onsite reconnecting with their friends and engaging in face to face learinng. Our students have enjoyed returning to onsite activities such as reading with their peers, Art class, PE games and many more.

Certificate of achievement!

We congratulate Geoffrey and Alicia for receiving a ‘Yellow card certificate’ in recognition of the hard work and dedication they have displayed to their learning. Alicia has gained confidenceto use the 'Sounding out' strategy when trying to read a new word. Geoffrey can use his knowledge of descriptive words and transfer them into his writing.

TORCH award

Congratulations Evie, for receiving the TORCH award. This award recognises Tolerance, Optimism, Respect, Confidence and Honesty. Evie displayed 'Confidence' when attending her Google meets with her class.

'Abby in Wonderland'

Choosing your own book provides great motivation for our young readers. Myisha chose to read 'Abby in Wonderland'. She was asked to redesign a front cover as her own. Check out the great work!

Prep 100 days celebration

Prep 100 days - We were finally able to celebrate our ‘Prep's 100 days’ - It is such a momentous occasion that could not be missed (just delayed). Here are some photos of Rainee dressed up as a 100 year old lady.

Happy Halloween!

The 2nd graders have been studying ‘Celebrations from around the world’. Geoffrey created his own pumpkin for Halloween.

Staff News

Our staff have engaged in professional learning together over the term. The focus has been on child safety and support, reading comprehension strategies and social and emotional learning.

Student Leaders

Our annual St Dominic's excursion which usually brings students from our six St Mary's campuses together to celebrate this special occasion was cancelled this year, due to Covid. Thanks to our amazing student leaders and flexible learning opportunities, they have created this video for our College community to view. Although delayed, we hope you all enjoy watching this video and learing about how St Mary's is connected to Saint Dominic.

Newsletter November Edition - 19 Nov 2021

Staff News

Our staff have engaged in professional learning together over the term. The focus has been on child safety and support, reading comprehension strategies and social and emotional learning.

Narelle Stone

Deputy Principal Staff Wellbeing & Development


Prep Enrolments for 2026

Until May 25th this year we are taking enrolments for Prep in 2026 at Wantirna South & South Morang. Successful applicants are guaranteed a place at their secondary campus!

More Information